用 Excel 处理数据时,经常会涉及到多页 sheet 数据之间的关联运算需求,用 vlookup 可以完成部分简单关联,但较复杂的情况时仍然不太方便,常常需要多次操作才能完成。另外,当要做 ..
【摘要】 本文介绍如何将经各种渠道得来的结构化数据自动生成各种格式的 Excel 文件,如单纯导出数据、导出大量数据、指定显示属性、固定行列填充、动态条件显示属性、分组带明细及统计、交叉统计表 ..
【问题】 I have a text file like this: key1 value1 A key1 value2 B key1 value3 A key2 value1 A key2 ..
【问题】 I have an input file, 1A Traes_1AS_6052071D9.1 99.01 101 99.0 1A Traes_1DS_6BA87D1DA.1 96.0 ..
【问题】 I am trying to select top values in a column based on the variable/field in another column. ..
【问题】 I am very new to this kind of work so bear with me please :) I am trying to calculate means ..
【问题】 45 a 36 a 58 a 21 a 31 b 12 b 23 b 21 c 32 c 45 c … 这是我的文件格式,我要先计算带有a的行数,写在输出文件的第一行,再把带有a的行 ..
【问题】 Ok, so I'm trying to read a log file and parse useful data out of it. it looks kind of like ..
【问题】 I would like to convert a file like follows hello world 123 bye world 456 byee world 456678 ..
【问题】 My Data looks like this: 549 648.077 0.01 552 648.141 0.45 554  ..
【问题】 I have a file with a large number of rows. Each row contains 5 columns delimited by tabs. I ..
【问题】 Does anyone know of a python/bash script for removing duplicate lines? I dumped the c ..
【问题】 I have one file that looks like this >Unc14086 AGAGUUUGAU >Unc35443 GCACGAGAAA So, ev ..
【问题】 have a file with annotations in the following format: XS-5236245.2_hypothetical_protein and ..
【问题】 I have the following code, however there seems to be an error within it somewhere. I get ou ..
【问题】 I'm writing a python script that works with two csv files. Lets call them csv1.csv (origina ..
【问题】 I have two CSV files as follows: CSV1: **ID Name Address Ph** 1 Mr.C dsf 142 2 Ms.N asd 251 ..
【问题】 I just started with Python 3.4.2 and trying to find and replace text in csv file. In Detail ..
【问题】 当前路径下有 12345.txt 12346.txt 2013070312345.txt 2013070312346.txt 希望用pytho ..
【问题】 I want to match column 1 of file 1 with column 1 of file 2 and then column 2 of file 1 with ..
【问题】 I have a couple directories that include tens of thousands of html, txt, csv and other txt ..
【问题】 I have a large number of files with the same, tab-delimited format: Column A Column B Data_ ..
【问题】 I got a 29MB text dump from an visualization application (Wonderware Intouch) contain ..
【问题】 I am trying to make a comparison between two large files, tab delimited. I have been trying ..
【问题】 I have a tab delimited file that looks as follows: cat my file.txt gives: 1 299 1 150 1 50 ..