
按照网上的办法修改 showReport.jsp 页面,重新启动 tomcat, 程序报错如下:
Exception report

messageUnable to compile class for JSP:

descriptionThe server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP: 

An error occurred at line: 37 in the jsp file: /reportJsp/showReport.jsp
ReportDefine cannot be resolved to a type
34: 	StringBuffer param=new StringBuffer();
35: 	//瀵煎嚭淇濆瓨excel鏂囦欢鍚�
36:         String reportPath = request.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/reportFiles/"+report); 
37: 	ReportDefine rd = (ReportDefine)ReportUtils.read(reportPath);
38: 	Context cxt = new Context();
39:         Engine engine = new Engine(rd, cxt); // 鏋勯�犳姤琛ㄥ紩鎿�
40:         IReport iReport = engine.calc(); // 杩愮畻鎶ヨ〃

An error occurred at line: 37 in the jsp file: /reportJsp/showReport.jsp
ReportDefine cannot be resolved to a type
34: 	StringBuffer param=new StringBuffer();
35: 	//瀵煎嚭淇濆瓨excel鏂囦欢鍚�
36:         String reportPath = request.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/reportFiles/"+report); 
37: 	ReportDefine rd = (ReportDefine)ReportUtils.read(reportPath);
38: 	Context cxt = new Context();
39:         Engine engine = new Engine(rd, cxt); // 鏋勯�犳姤琛ㄥ紩鎿�
40:         IReport iReport = engine.calc(); // 杩愮畻鎶ヨ〃

An error occurred at line: 39 in the jsp file: /reportJsp/showReport.jsp
Engine cannot be resolved to a type
36:         String reportPath = request.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/reportFiles/"+report); 
37: 	ReportDefine rd = (ReportDefine)ReportUtils.read(reportPath);
38: 	Context cxt = new Context();
39:         Engine engine = new Engine(rd, cxt); // 鏋勯�犳姤琛ㄥ紩鎿�
40:         IReport iReport = engine.calc(); // 杩愮畻鎶ヨ〃
41:         String saveName=iReport.getCell(1,1).getValue().toString();
42: 	//淇濊瘉鎶ヨ〃鍚嶇О鐨勫畬鏁存��