组内再分组汇总并取前 N 名后合并


Stuck on Sql Query with time interval

I want to get best 3 day of users between “2014-07-01” and “2014-08-01”

Could someone help me? I’ve been stuck here for 3 days.

In real score table entries are 10:00 to 22:00 and 1 entries for each hour.

Total of 12 entry for each day and each player (sometimes it could be less 1 or 2).

This is the output I’m trying to get:

ID | User_ID | Username | Sum(Score) | Date


1  |    1   |   Xxx    |     52| 2014-07-01

2  |    1   |   Xxx    |     143| 2014-07-02

3  |    2   |   Yyy    |     63| 2014-07-01



ID | User_ID | Score | Datetime


1 |    1| 35| 2014-07-0111:00:00

2 |    1| 17| 2014-07-0112:00:00

3 |    2| 36| 2014-07-0111:00:00

4 |    2| 27| 2014-07-0112:00:00

5 |    1| 66| 2014-07-0211:00:00

6 |    1| 77| 2014-07-0212:00:00

7 |    2| 93| 2014-07-0212:00:00


Usertable :

ID | Username


1  |  Xxx

2  |  Yyy

3  |  Zzz



I think you need to aggregate first by date, and then choose the first three usingrow_number(). To do the aggregation:

select s.user_id, sum(s.datetime,'day')as theday, sum(score)as score,

       row_number()over(partitionby s.user_id orderby sum(score)desc)as seqnum

from scores s

groupby s.user_id;

To get the rest of the information, use this as a subquery or CTE:

select u.*, s.score

from(select s.user_id, sum(s.datetime,'day')as theday, sum(s.score)as score,

             row_number()over(partitionby s.user_id orderby sum(s.score)desc)as seqnum

from scores s

groupby s.user_id

)s join

     users u

on s.user_id = u.users_id

whereseqnum <=3

orderby u.user_id, s.score desc;



1. 将数据按 User_ID 分成多个组,每个组是一个用户的全部数据。

2. 组内运算,将每组数据按日期再分组,并汇总出每日的总分。

3. 组内运算,在每组数据中求得总分前三名的记录。

4. 将所有数据合并。

上述思路虽然清晰,但用 SQL 却很难表达组内运算,所以你“Stuck on Sql query”。这种情况建议采用 SPL 来辅助解决,SPL 可以方便地表达组内运算,代码如下:



=dataSource.query("select s.ID ID,s.User_ID User_ID,u.Username Username,s.Score Score,s.Datetime Datetime from Scoretable s join Usertable u on s.User_ID = u.ID")




=A2.(~.groups(User_ID,Username,date(Datetime):day; sum(Score):sumScore))






1. 上面的“~”代表的是“每组数据”。

2.A2 中的的分组不用聚合,所以用 group 函数。

3.A3 中的分组需要聚合,所以用 groups 函数。

4. 上述代码和 JAVA 或报表很容易集成,

更多内容请参看:【集算器简化 SQL 式计算之组内运算