sql 取最大值对应的记录


I have a database of baseball plays with a PlayerID and a TypeID (the kind of play: double, strike out, etc). The data looks something like this:


| playerid | typeid |


|        2 |      4 |

|        2 |      4 |

|        2 |      7 |

|        3 |      7 |

|        3 |      7 |

|        3 |      7 |

|        3 |     26 |

|        3 |      7 |

I'm trying to find which players had the most of each kind of play. E.g. Jim (PlayerID 3) had the most strike outs (TypeID 7) and Bob (PlayerID 2) had the most home runs (TypeID 4) which should result in the following table:


| playerid | typeid | max(playcount) |


|        2 |      4 |             12 |

|        3 |      7 |              9 |

|        3 |     26 |              1 |

My best attempt so far is to run:

SELECT playerid,typeid,MAX(playcount) FROM


SELECT playerid,typeid,COUNT(*) playcount FROM plays GROUP BY playerid,typeid

) AS t GROUP BY typeid;

Which returns the proper maximums of each type, but the associated PlayerIDs are all wrong and I can't figure out why. I'm sure I'm missing something simple (or making this overly complicated) but can't figure it out. Any ideas?



  FROM (

        SELECT playerid


              ,COUNT(*) playcount

          FROM plays

         GROUP BY playerid,typeid

        ) a



        SELECT playerid


              ,COUNT(*) playcount

          FROM @lays

         GROUP BY playerid,typeid

        ) b

    ON a.typeid = b.typeid

   AND a.playcount < b.playcount

WHERE b.playerid IS NULL






$SELECT   playerid,typeid,COUNT(*) playcount FROM plays GROUP BY playerid,typeid




A2 A1按照typeid分组,取出每一种比赛中表现最棒的队员,也就是每组中playcount最大的那条记录

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